BIRD Call For Proposals

To be considered, a project proposal should include:
R&D cooperation between two, unrelated companies, one registered in the U.S. and the other in Israel.
The companies should jointly apply for BIRD support
 Research and development topics that include but are not limited to: Advanced Manufacturing, Agrotechnology, Cleantech, Energy and Environment, Communications, Construction Tech, Cyber Security, Electronics, FinTech, FoodTech, Healthcare IT, Homeland Security, Life Sciences, Nanotechnology, Semiconductors, Software, Water, etc.
 A jointly developed technology or product(s) that shows considerable innovation
 A proposed project that demonstrates significant commercial potential

BIRD funds up to 50% of the R&D costs associated with the joint project.

The maximum conditional grant per project is up to US $1.5 million.


Contact- In Israel: 
Ms. Chava Doukhan | 

Tel: 972-3-6988301

In the U.S.: 
East Coast/Midwest: Ms. Andrea Yonah |
West Coast: Ms. Anat Bujanover |
South: Ms. Anat Ben Yosef |
  BIRD Foundation  |  BIRD Call for Proposals  | Israel |  97236988301